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Types of Patient Visits

Discovery Call
Free 15 minute call to briefly discuss your health challenges and goals and to discuss Dr. Rachel's healing philosophy. The goal is to see if you want to collaborate for your success. No medical advice will be given at this appointment.

Follow-up Visits
Follow up visits can last anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on your needs. This can include a check-in, prescription questions, review of new labs, and new health concerns. We will tailor these visits to fit your individual care needs.

New Patient Visit
Your first appointment is in-depth and comprehensive to discuss your health concerns, review past labs, and design your personalized treatment plan. Usually labs are ordered at this visit and we will get back together in 2 to 4 weeks to review those and give you more specific tools to heal and thrive.

Health Consultations
This is the best option for individuals that do not live in Washington state. The first visit is all about your health goals, and I will make foundational health & lifestyle recommendations. I do not order lab work for out of state clients or prescribe medications.

Specialty Areas:

Hormone Balancing
A holistic approach to hormones includes a focus on lifestyle and other foundational support to ensure full person care and the fastest, safest resolution of symptoms. This might include use of diet changes, botanicals, Hormone Replacement or Bioidential Hormones Replacement Therapy for estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, as well as thyroid and adrenal hormones and other hormones including GLP-1 and GIP.

Digestive Disorders
A happy microbiome is critical to good health and happiness. Use of functional medicine labs to assess and strategically treat the cause of gut dysbiosis can treat the cause of gas, bloating, SIBO and Irritable Bowel Disease, even if you have been present for years. Diet, lifestyle, supplements and/or short-term use of prescription as indicated by test results, are highly effective therapies when indicated.

Stress & Fatigue
Addressing Fatigue and Stress is highly individualized but critical to quality of life. Using lifestyle medicine, dietary recommendations such as a psychobiotic diet and natural and prescription medication are all appropriate options. Stress impacts many different areas of our health including sleep, heart health, memory and focus as well as anxiety and depression. There are highly effective natural therapies to treat the cause of stress and prevent further health issues.

Autoimmune Disorders
Uncover the root causes of autoimmune disease with personalized functional medicine treatments includes testing and targeted therapies. A comprehensive approach targets inflammation, balances hormones, and restores optimal health. Experience freedom from symptoms and embrace a life of vitality and well-being.

This world is full of toxins, heavy metals, viruses and mycotoxins which can overwhelm our body’s normal detox processes. Knowing what to put into our bodies and how to safely eliminate toxins without making ourselves sicker requires support and may include diet and lifestyle changes, safe use of appropriate toxin binders and strengthening detox systems. Functional and conventional testing is very helpful when tackling this toxic world.

Brain Health
A personal passion of mine in brain health in honor of my Grandmother who struggled with Dementia. Prevention is best for brain health but diet and lifestyle both impact memory and focus. Concurring blood sugar swings, addressing specific nutrients needed for brain health and select use of botanicals are some of tools I use to improve brain health for patients.

Tools I Utilize:
Supplement Recommendations
I use supplement companies and formulations that are 3 rd party tested and formulated
based on rigorous scientific standards. I prescribe supplements through FullScript and a variety of brick and mortar locations to provides the safest and most effective tools available to patients.
Nutrition Recommendations
Many patients send me labs or imaging from their other providers in advance, and I frequently will need to order more. I also use functional medicine type lab tests from variety of lab companies for a more comprehensive look at hormones or the microbiome. Some examples of functional testing I order as indicated based off patient history are:
Environmental toxins like heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, etc.)
Environmental Toxins and Mold Toxin Exposure
Hormone testing
Food sensitivity and allergy testing
Microbiome, stool, and other detailed digestive wellness testing
Micronutrient Testing
Follow-up Visits
Follow ups are typically scheduled for 4 to 6 weeks after your initial consultation, and subsequent follow-ups are on an as needed basis and depend on individual needs. Some people only see me 2 times, others see me longer term.
Ordering Labs
Many patients send me labs or imaging from their other providers in advance, and I frequently will need to order more. I also use functional medicine type lab tests from variety of lab companies for a more comprehensive look at hormones or the microbiome. Some examples of functional testing I order as indicated based off patient history are:
Environmental toxins like heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, etc.)
Environmental Toxins and Mold Toxin Exposure
Hormone testing
Food sensitivity and allergy testing
Microbiome, stool, and other detailed digestive wellness testing
Micronutrient Testing
Comprehensive Evaluation
All new patients start with a comprehensive evaluation that typically takes up to 90 minutes. We discuss your health history, environmental exposures, diet, lifestyle, and genetics (if you have that information), and anything else that may be affecting your health. I typically ask about workplace health, social and emotional health, and other big picture things in your life.
What is the first appointment like with Dr. Rachel Winstedt, ND?Your first appointment with Dr. Rachel typically lasts 90 minutes. Dr. Rachel will conduct an in-depth interview to discuss current health challenges and health goals, as well as review your past medical history. If you have provided recent labs and imaging reports these may be discussed if relevant to your health concerns. New patient visits also discuss your diet, sleep, activity level and lifestyle. Dr. Rachel is extensively trained to use a comprehensive health history to help identify the cause of the illness, which is why the first visit is so long. The doctor will also perform physical exams related to your health concerns and needs. After a discussion about labs and current supplements, a customized treatment plan is presented to the patient with specific recommendations on diet, herbal medicines, supplements, and medications if indicated.
How should I prepare for my first visit?Fill out your patient intake forms securely online through our patient portal. We will email you a link to set up your patient portal after you have scheduled your new patient visit. These forms are comprehensive, so please expect to take some time filling them out fully so that we may provide you with the best possible care. Please fill out your forms 48 hours before your first visit. If you have not received your patient portal login by email, please call 206.291.6543 and let me know. Your First Appointment is in-depth and comprehensive. In order to deliver the best care we recommend you bring the following to your first appointment: Recent lab work and imaging studies (blood tests, urine, saliva tests, etc.) and relevant medical notes (HIPAA requirements mandate that copies of tests and notes from other physicians can only be released with your written request). Nutritional supplement bottles you are currently taking (name of product, brand and how you are taking it (ex. 2 caps at breakfast and 2 caps at lunch). Information or the prescription bottles for medications you are currently taking or have taken in the recent past. List of symptoms, concerns, and questions.
How frequently will I see the doctor?The frequency of your follow up visits with Dr. Rachel will varies greatly depending on the complexity of your case and how quickly you are looking to improve your health challenges. During follow-up visits Dr. Rachel will re-assess your progress, talk about the changes in your health and symptoms, review new lab results, and further tailor your treatment plan to obtain your health goals. As your health improves, the visits typically become less frequent.
Why are follow-up visits necessary?During your follow up visit, Dr. Rachel will review your health concerns, discuss the most recent treatment plan, discuss any new lab results, diet, or lifestyle goals, and make necessary changes and improvements on the treatment plan. Dr. Rachel works to treat the cause of your illness and prevent future disease which takes more than a single visit. Patients are responsible for implementing the highly effective natural therapies in their lives and many times thrive with the additional support follow-up visits provide.
How do I become a patient?Becoming a patient starts with contacting me to set up a Discovery Call! You can book directly through the website: Or contact me with any questions:
Do I have to discontinue my prescription medications?No. Dr. Rachel believes that there are no bad therapies, just therapies that fail to be appropriate for patients. Dr. Rachel prescribes pharmaceuticals as appropriate for her patients care but focuses on treating the cause of a patient’s illness with safe, highly effective natural therapies. Supplement safety is a priority for Dr. Rachel and all her treatment plans are checked for drug-herb-nutrient reactions. Naturopathic medicine can safely be integrated into a patient’s treatment plan and co-exist alongside prescriptions in support of a patient’s health goals
Do you prescribe medications?Yes, Dr. Rachel prescribes pharmaceutical and compounded medications as appropriate to her patients.
What conditions do you treat?Allergies and sensitivities to foods and seasonal allergies Digestive issues- gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, SIBO Hormonal imbalances- perimenopause, menopause, adrenal fatigue, thyroid disease Obesity—dietary and metabolic causes Stress-related conditions Insomnia Fatigue Nutrient Deficiencies Anemia Chronic fatigue syndrome Diabetes—type 2 Metabolic Syndrome High blood pressure Mental health concerns (depression, anxiety) Headaches Autoimmune conditions (thyroid disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis) ADHD Chronic skin conditions—eczema, psoriasis, acne Chronic infections Biotoxin illnesses include mold exposure Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Environmental Medicine- mycotoxins, heavy metals, multiple chemical sensitivities
What is the difference between naturopathic medicine and functional medicine?Naturopathic physicians (naturopathic doctors) have spent 4 years attending in-residence, naturopathic medical school, then passed a two-part licensure exam (Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations) and then licensed by their state’s licensing board. Many naturopathic physicians chose to practice functional or foundational medical due to their extensive understanding of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and how they interact to restore a patient’s health. Functional Medicine is a popular term in medicine currently. It is not regulated in the same way as a Naturopathic Physician. Many providers will attend a series of weekend seminars and pass an exam offered by non-state regulated, self-governing organizations. This does not mean the information they provide is not valuable but that it can be obtained by an MD, ND, nutritionist, and other non-licensed provider in a short period of time by a governing board not associated with any governmental body.
Who can benefit from Naturopathic Medicine?Most people can benefit from the highly effective natural therapies that Naturopathic Medicine utilizes regardless of their health concerns. Dr. Rachel uses naturopathic medicine to diagnose, treat, and prevent chronic and acute health conditions.
Can Naturopathic doctors order labs and prescribe medications?Yes, Naturopathic doctors can order diagnostic tests such as blood tests, X-rays, MRIs, and, in states like Washington (where I practice), prescribe prescription drugs and hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone). As with conventional medical doctors (MDs), many naturopathic doctors choose to focus their practices in specialty areas. I choose to focus on chronic illness, especially neurological illness and Toxic Mold related illnesses.
What can an ND provide that an MD may not?Naturopathic Doctor’s like Dr. Rachel understand that no one system in our body lives in isolation and that we must take a holistic look at their patients when seeking to understand and treat the underlying causes of illness. A visit with Dr. Rachel will be more comprehensive, exploring different pathways to health and healing and you will be encouraged to become an active participant in your health, with guidance and support to achieve diet, and lifestyle changes and select use of supplements and medications.
How is a Naturopathic Doctor educated and licensed/ Is Dr. Rachel Licensed?Naturopathic doctors attend a four-year graduate-level doctoral program of natural medicine. The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education is the accrediting agency for Naturopathic colleges and is recognized by the US Department of Education. Naturopathic Medical school’s curriculum provides an in-depth study of the human body through lectures and labs and exams. Students take courses in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, immunology, environmental & public health, pharmacology, nutrition, botanical medicine and diet-nutrient-herb interactions. Clinical studies and experience prepare students to educate patients and the public on health promotion and disease prevention. Each Naturopathic student has more than 1,200 clinical hours before graduating. To be licensed naturopathic medical students are required to pass the NPLEX. Licensing Exam: The Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX) is a two-part examination. The exam required to qualify for naturopathic doctor licensure is overseen by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE). Only students and graduates from accredited or candidate naturopathic programs are eligible to sit for the NPLEX. These exam requirements are to ensure a basic level of competence and naturopathic physicians are pushing for licensure in all 50 states and US territories which would ensure better patient access to naturopathic medicine and insurance coverage. Yes, I am licensed in the state of Washington! Licensed naturopathic doctor must pass rigorous professional board exams to be licensed or regulated in a state that regulates the practice of naturopathic medicine. State mandated regulatory bodies oversee standards of practice, investigate patient and consumer complaints, and oversee discipline in licensed states. Licensed naturopathic doctors have malpractice insurance and are lifelong learners with required yearly continuing education. These requirements like with licensed medical physicians are to ensure patients’ rights to safe and competent naturopathic care.
Is everyone who calls themselves a naturopath licensed?No, some states have laws regulating the terms naturopathic doctors can use and the use of the term “naturopath” or “naturopathic physician” by anyone other than a licensed naturopathic doctor is prohibited. Not all states regulate naturopathic doctors and not all states that license naturopathic physician protect the term “naturopath”. Unlicensed naturopaths have varying levels of education and experience, include entirely online or via correspondence. These forms of education are not accredited by any agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and does not qualify students to take the NPLEX examination or apply for licensure in any regulated jurisdiction in North America.
What is your payment and insurance policy?Patients pay at the time of service, and then I give you paperwork (called a Superbill) with standard insurance-industry coding to submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement. I do not call or intervene with your insurance company. In case your insurance company does not cover my services, you will be responsible for taking over the inquiry. Conventional providers have to spend considerable time getting insurance companies to pay them, and I am only focused on your care and success.
Do you accept insurance?I offer my full time and attention to support your healing. Many insurance policies cover my services and I operate as an out of network provider. I provide insurance reimbursement forms in states where it applies.
What is the cost going to look like?Discovery Call: Free Free 15 minute call to briefly discuss you health challenges and goals and to discuss Dr. Rachel's healing philosophy. The goal is to see if you want to collaborate for your success! No Medical Advice will be given at this appointment. New Patient Visit: $350 due at time of visit Your first appointment with Dr. Rachel is in-depth and comprehensive to discuss your health concerns, review past labs and design your personalized treatment plan. Usually labs are ordered at this visit and we will get back together in 2 to 4 weeks to review those and give you more specific tools to heal and thrive. 15 Minute Follow-up: $99.00 due at time of visit Only for quick check-ins, updates, prescription questions, discussion of 1-3 lab values (excludes functional lab tests), and in general 1-2 questions only. 30 minute Follow-up: $150.00 due at time of visit Follow up on labs and your treatment plan. Good for more than 2 to 3 labs, for medication adjustments and 1 to 2 functional lab test reviews. 45 minute Follow-up: $215.00 due at time of visit Lab discussions, questions, and new health concerns. Good for 1st time hormone labs, functional lab review and more than 5 health questions. 60 minute Follow-up: $275.00 due at time of visit Lab discussions (including functional), health questions and review of multiple new outside provider labs, more than 5 health questions.
What Questions Should I Ask My Insurance Company?If you have insurance and will be relying on reimbursement for care I provide, it is helpful to call your insurance company and confirm how your benefits will apply. Helpful questions to ask your plan: Do I have naturopathic coverage? Do I have out-of-network benefits? What is my copay or coinsurance for visits with out-of-network providers? Does my plan cover “telemedicine” or “telehealth” visits? If so, ask for and write down the codes that they accept. What is my deductible, and how much of it have I met?
What payment types do you accept?A credit card must be kept on file to charge at the time of service. I accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover as well as any flex spending or health savings accounts. I use a 3rd party billing system called Bluefin and they will process your payment which will appear at Rachel Winstedt, ND LLC on your card statement.
What is your cancellation policy?I have a 48 business-hour cancellation policy. If an appointment is canceled or if the patient doesn’t show up for their appointment, after the first missed/late appointment the patient will be sent a letter outlining the clinic policy regarding missed/late appointments. If an appointment is canceled by the patient in less than 24 business hours, or if the patient doesn’t show up for an appointment, the patient will be charged 50% of the scheduled visit or service, and this charge must be paid in full prior to the patient booking another appointment. If the patient misses 2 appointments, then the patient will no longer be considered a clinic patient and we will inform the patient of this action and we will provide a list of other ND’s.
-Dorothy S.
Rachel is one of the exceptional people in my small, trusted group of healthcare advisors and guides. Her process of researching, studying, and validating any guidance she gives in caring for her patients carries a great deal of weight. Along with her open heart and commitment to healthcare, she is someone I always refer my closest friends and family to.
-Kathy F.
Rachel has been an awesome, caring healthcare partner. She takes the time to get to know you personally and works with you to put together the right treatment plan, adjusting when needed. Before Rachel, I was just treating symptoms. She helped diagnose the underlying issues so I have been able to rectify them and I have never been healthier. I highly recommend Rachel.
-Kit N.
Dr Windstedt has been instrumental in my ability to reach my health goals. She has an amazing depth of knowledge and expertise. When I am sick, she responds quickly and provides personalized care that is a step above standard health care.